Friday, April 22, 2011

Wha I have Learned on week3

This week has also been very hard.
I learned a lot. First  to work and how to enter  at  It was also difficult  for me  but step by step I am here  I hope  everything is OK there.
About  The Oral – Aural it  is interesting  because  we  as teachers  can manage and take  the useful things  that  we  can use  in our  classes, however in  my country  we  have  to face   some limitations , because  in the  University  we  don't have access  to     computers. They are  only used   for   office work   in administration  by secretaries. And  in another  University,  it  is private . I have  some  restrictions  to blogger  and  delicious, but  as  you can see  I  am here  once. As  I have  said the aural  - Oral is  very useful  and  I  am going  to try  to use  more frequently . I  have  to figure  out  how.
The CALL I think  it  is  a good way  also to help not only the students, It helps us  as  teachers, too. Here  we  can get  the  things  we  need  to work,  to practice  and in general know  how  to work with  the new technologies. It  helps  us  in all the  skills  we  need to work every day with  our  students , such us  listening , speaking, reading,  and writing.
About  the  final project,  I think I am going  to try to add up  to my beginner students and I think it is very useful to work as  a teacher  and students with the new technology.
And about  the PDF I read  about Building teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web, by Aleyda Linares from Honduras.  It  is good  project   about how to make  grammar classes  more dynamics avoiding  the regular class schedules being boring where students become  sleepy. She explains how  we  can make  our  classes  interesting  by  means of interactive learning  using  the new technology  on line.
Maria del Carmen
Quito - Ecuador


  1. Dear Maria
    I agree with you, I have gained in the third week many of the skills of how to use technology in our lives and take advantage of the maximum extent possible, I think that the circumstances that surround you will create your fierce determination to overcome these difficulties such as lack of Internet access at the university, for me, my problem is the lack of security in my country in spite of the easy availability of the Internet, even in elementary school, then each of us has some obstacles to the implementation of what has been learned, but our desire and determination will find a way to apply the technology in our work.

  2. Hi Ma del Carmen

    I think once you feel comfortable with some of these tools you will be able to integrate more and more into your teaching. Even if you can't use everything, somethings will work. You are the master and expert of your own teaching context.


  3. Thanks dear friends.
    I am taking advantages of all my new things I have learned.
    Ma del Carmen


It is great to begin something.