Saturday, April 30, 2011

My week 4 more

Hello again

Well I also have to say that about the Lesson plan is the principal thing to remember when we are going to start our teaching and for this we as teachers we learned a long time ago,However now we can have some help from useful web pages that show you how  to focus our different topics that we are going to teach,and of course another important part is the objective. I mean our ABCD.
Ma del Carmen


  1. Hello Ma del Carmen.

    Thank you for the comments you have left on some of my posts. I really appreciate them.

    As regarding this post of yours, I agree with you about focusing on lesson planning no matter how experienced or not a teacher is. Since it is very important to be clear about what exactly we want to do during the lesson, the better we prepare, the more likely we are to be ready to cope with whatever happens, and sometimes is is really impossible to completely predict how our learners will respond to our activities and what is going to happen on the spot in the class. However, once we are done with elaborate and meticulous planning, as Jim Scrivener wrote in his 'Learning Teaching', we should follow the general rule: Prepare thoroughly. But in class, teach the learners - not the plan.

    Looking forward to your following posts,

    Nada, Serbia

  2. Hi Maria
    I agree with you, I spent 20 years in the teaching profession and this is the first time I write a study plan in a different way, this plan is arranged, organized and includes many items that have not used before, such as: public perception of the lesson, and activities for pupils with special needs, as well as writing goals in a b c d, a method of learning accuracy in writing objectives.


  3. Hi Maria. I agree that planning is determinant and it's important to get it all written down on paper. Obviouly sometimes we don't have time do do it for every lesson but I believe that we do most of our planning mentally. ABCD definitely makes everything clearer and more accurate.

  4. Hello my friend:
    Very nice your blog the background has a very nice design.
    I'm agree with your post because It's very important to plann our class abvious It's hard each class but It's all that we do every day without press it on a paper but you know that we do.

    I hope to see you tomorrow at the University.


  5. thanks dear friends you are so cute and your words are going to help me


It is great to begin something.